Mario: "It's a me, Mario!"
Officer: "You got a last name, Mario?"
Mario: "It's a....Mario too"
Officer: "Mario...Mario?"
Mario: "ci"
Officer: "Si?"
Mario: "ci"
Officer: "Alright Mario Mario, why don't you come with me."
I'll be honest, immigration topics don't hit home here very well. We're in WV; a state losing population as its youth flees the state like a flood of rats leaving a sinking ship. Let's face it, there's no "jorbs" here for anyone to take. So I suppose any opinion i have on the matter may be a bit distanced and seem preachy given my lack of firsthand experience...but here goes.
It's a very simple concept folks: We have legal paths to citizenship in this country. They are clearly defined and we even have many programs set up to assist you in doing so. I have zero tolerance for illegal immigrants. If you start your life in my country as a criminal, why on earth am I supposed to respect that? Let's not hedge our words, if you come to our country as an illegal, you are a criminal. Period. There's no spin to that, your first action as a resident of the USA was to break the law. First impressions and all, right?
My favorite argument for sympathizers is that "Our agricultural industry depends on all of those illegal workers because we don't have enough people to fill those jobs."
Let's reference this HuffPo article as a general guide to what I'm responding to here:
So let me get this straight, we have these jobs that make between min wage and $20/hr. But it's real hard work and only illegals will do it, so we can't get rid of illegals or no one will be able to harvest crops? Where on earth could we find a surplus of unskilled labor?
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Your agricultural workforce, problem solved. |
Of course there's not much need for tweets, lattes, or whiny angst on the farm. I am baffled that we have a situation where the same "side" that argues for lax immigration enforcement while crying that there are no jobs. No, you're right, there's no "Here's $50,000 to sit around and "be an individual" jobs available." Let me know when those happen.
I actually had a client that owns a local farm and told me that without illegals, he couldn't keep his farm worked. I just want to be clear that I 100% agree and understand that we really would "shut down" without the illegals. What's sad is that no one sees the problem with that isn't to relax immigration law, but to kick our collective youth in the ass. Stop giving them handouts. Stop giving them grants and free money to go to school for degrees in Art Appreciation so they can put some bizarre form of legitimacy on their play-doh sculptures and feeling sorry for them when no one wants to buy their junk. I like playing video games, that doesn't mean the taxpayer needs to subsidize my life so that I can quit working and explore my interests, Princess Nancy.
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Why can't SHE be in another castle? |
Side note: Yes Princess Nancy. Herman Cain may have apologized for the comment, and in his position as a possible presidential candidate that was the correct thing to do. But let's not pretend for a minute that she's not exactly that. Princess "We have to pass this bill to see what's in it" Nancy has NEVER known what it is like to have a real job. Princess Nancy has been groomed for her role since childhood. She has no concept of the "real" world other than how to sway votes to keep her seat of power. Who in their right mind supports this woman? Seriously, I would love to hear a rational argument for why anyone on the planet should take her seriously on any decision.
Let's get this straight America. Just above I posted a picture of one of the left's most celebrated presidents. John F. Kennedy. Though his presidency was cut short, he is often revered as a shining icon of the democratic party.
"And so, my fellow americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." -JFK
You were fortunate to be born here. When cosmic forces aligned to spit out your existence on American soil, you won the lottery of life. I don't care if you had the most miserable, poorest, hardest life imaginable in the states, you still won the lottery. Try growing up in India, China, Africa, or any other region that births about 10 times as many kids. The odds of being born American, statistically, are about 1 in 30. It's not the power ball, but there are probably about 20 or those 30 that would give anything to trade with you. Meanwhile, you're going to sit here and bitch to me that life is know...on facebook? Via text? via email? Fly your whiny ass to a village in Kenya and tell them about your student loan problems. Tell them about how the mortgage you signed up for knowing you couldn't afford is causing you now to have to live in an apartment or move in with your parents. God, they would LOVE to hear about how living with your mom and dad is tough, they may take a minute to get back to you while they fight with 7 brothers and 4 sisters to find enough food to survive another day. They would be so upset to hear about your high deductible health plan, you may have to repeat yourself as their constant hacking and wheezing from pertussis will make it tough to follow you though.
Frankly, if you can't make it to the point of being self sustaining in America? Where the hell else can you?
Let's get this straight America. Just above I posted a picture of one of the left's most celebrated presidents. John F. Kennedy. Though his presidency was cut short, he is often revered as a shining icon of the democratic party.
"And so, my fellow americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." -JFK
You were fortunate to be born here. When cosmic forces aligned to spit out your existence on American soil, you won the lottery of life. I don't care if you had the most miserable, poorest, hardest life imaginable in the states, you still won the lottery. Try growing up in India, China, Africa, or any other region that births about 10 times as many kids. The odds of being born American, statistically, are about 1 in 30. It's not the power ball, but there are probably about 20 or those 30 that would give anything to trade with you. Meanwhile, you're going to sit here and bitch to me that life is know...on facebook? Via text? via email? Fly your whiny ass to a village in Kenya and tell them about your student loan problems. Tell them about how the mortgage you signed up for knowing you couldn't afford is causing you now to have to live in an apartment or move in with your parents. God, they would LOVE to hear about how living with your mom and dad is tough, they may take a minute to get back to you while they fight with 7 brothers and 4 sisters to find enough food to survive another day. They would be so upset to hear about your high deductible health plan, you may have to repeat yourself as their constant hacking and wheezing from pertussis will make it tough to follow you though.
Frankly, if you can't make it to the point of being self sustaining in America? Where the hell else can you?
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