Friday, November 8, 2013

Respect is earned, never given...

Quick! What's the spin?

Is this a right-wing Christian values group?

Union blue collar?

Socialist liberals?

Well, the quick answer at the time of this writing is: I have no idea.

I don't know who is funding this push, but this simple and seemingly innocent lovey-dovey meme shared on my Facebook wall this morning went through me as a reflection on a lot of what's the core problem with our society today.

Let's break it down for every ounce of it's logical invalidity.

"Because I believe in family"

As Thomas Sowell stated, part of the core problem with our society is that "I feel" and "I believe" are considered fair substitutes for "I think" or "It reasons that..."  Believing something works for matters of faith, for matters of personal conviction, and in the context of this little button really isn't too terrible. The person is being asked to boycott X, but only because they enjoy Y. What strikes this as invalid in the applied usage, is that Y only correlates to X because of one misguided belief.  The second presumptive statement that I take issue with is a common political technique.  "Because I believe in family" instantly limits your opposition to taking the assumed stance of "not believing in family" whatever that would actually entail in practice.

"I pledge to not shop on thanksgiving"

The money line.  The "sacrifice" this person is willing to make, is to NOT go shopping.   Pay no mind to the reality of defining "going shopping" in an age of e-commerce, but pay attention to this level of dedication and effort to a cause.  This is just as ridiculous as the concept behind a "gas off" day where people skip a day to buy if you don't just have to turn right around the next day and fill up.

If you need the things you are buying on thanksgiving, you'll just buy them the next day...the store won't be hurting overall.

This brings me to the final "point" of this pledge button

"Everyone deserves a holiday"


No one DESERVES a holiday.

Oh the other side of this thought is that minimum wage worker who can only afford the big turkey dinner the following weekend after payday...after they have gotten their bigger check from working overtime/holiday hours.  Even if not overtime, who are any of us to tell someone else when they should be too good to work?

Just because thanksgiving is a traditional family holiday, doesn't mean that the world stops. No more than for any other holiday.  The person working at Walmart on Christmas eve isn't  a poor downtrodden slave, they are working...earning a living...and trying to get by.  They don't need the idle patronage of random facebookers telling them they should go home instead, because they deserve it.

So Mr. Button pusher, I will do quite the opposite.  I will purchase whatever I feel like on any day I feel like it. The businesses that understand the free market have taken a calculated risk in opening their doors on a holiday, and part of that risk is paying the wages of their employees that are showing up to work, and doing their jobs as they are paid to do.

I will not not encourage and enable a society that "feels" like a certain day is cruel to work simply because a couple hundred years ago someone ate some turkey?

The same type of person, who would look you in the eye and say "You deserve to be off on thanksgiving!" is the same person who slides a piece of chocolate cake in front of you despite knowing you are on a diet.  "You deserve a piece, one piece isn't gonna hurt you..."

I recently had the pleasure of taking in a local production of Les Miserables,  the setting of the play in during the french revolution so I couldn't help but to conjure up images of Anne Boleyn shouting "Let them eat cake"

The line, for those unfamiliar, was in response to the queen being told the people had no bread to eat.

A few hundred years ago, people (French people mind you!) had the courage to fight and die in the streets, simply for the right to work for themselves and keep bread to eat.

Fast forward to 2013, and we Americans sit around and tell each other to have another piece of cake, no matter how fat, diabetic, and unhealthy we get.  Because, well, we deserve it.


With apologies to the friends who shared this button with zero intention to initiate a political/sociological rant

Monday, August 26, 2013

Oh hey, this thing's still on

Sorry I haven't been updating much, I've just been so busy spending all of the extra money I save on healthcare thanks to Obamacare!


Sorry I haven't been updating much, I've just been concerned over Syria...turns out there's pretty good evidence they have WMDs!


Sorry I haven't been updating much, it's just this Russian anti-gay thing is really just keeping me awake at night.  


Here I am.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

WARNING: This blog contains language not suitable for pussies

Contrary to statist belief, human beings are born with rights. These rights are inherent and not granted only by the good graces of Lord Government. There's a common problem among younger demographics that honestly believe that "I feel" is a valid replacement for "I think."  Combine these elements and that brings us to the topic of the day:  You do not have any inherent right to not be offended.  It is one of those rare things in life that no one can control other than the individual so there is literally no fair way to legislate it. Of course, lots of people "feel" that logic is mean or unfair so we get a society that tries to do the impossible and legislate "niceness." while maintaining free speech.

The current buzz is related to the Washington Redskins.  I won't bore anyone with why this is considered "offensive" since I'm sure you can figure out which group white folks are rushing out to be offended on behalf of, but suffice to say this is the most hilariously stupid idea I've ever heard.  Let's give some background on our spotlight pity group of the minute: "Native Americans."

First, they are about as "Native" as I am.  I was born here, my parents were born here, my grandparents were born here. You have to go back to the 1600's to find a branch of my family tree that doesn't root in US soil. There's this great image people have adopted as fact of peaceful Indian (somehow that word is still okay though) tribes that were sitting around petting deer and growing corn when a boatload of drunken white people showed up and started shooting them and selling their scalps for beer money.  There is not a single piece of land claimed by anyone on this planet that wasn't taken from someone else by force to assume ownership.  The idea that "white people", an awkwardly ironic racist generalization that is applied to anyone of fair skin from numerous locations in the world, came in and brought war, famine, and evil to a peaceful land of hugs is so naive and childish that it shouldn't merit a response, yet it is basically preached to children throughout their entire schooling. Did people land here and eventually push out another culture of people and take over their lands by force? Absolutely. Something that would have been done by those same people if they had the ability to do it.  I'm sure they just had axes, tomahawks, and bows purely for hunting animals though right?  I don't feel sorry for a group of people that just met with advanced weaponry, any more than i feel sorry for Somalian pirates being blown up by a cruise missile. Indians were some not peaceful people at their core innocent of any crime.  Need I reference the Indian massacre of 1622? Men, women, and even children were slaughtered by Indians under the guise of a peaceful trade. Had they been abused themselves? Absolutely, but by a single group of English colonists, and though there are varying accounts of barbaric acts, none seem sinister enough to merit a massacre including small children. The ultimate irony for bleeding heart liberals on this topic is that the Indians only lashed out violently because the settlers were under orders to "collect a tribute of food and wealth" that they felt was undeserved. In other words, they felt taxes were too high. But yes, I should be burdened with guilt and restrictions in my life, nearly 400 years later, because some people with "sticks and stones" as their most advanced form of weaponry decided to stand up to people with firearms and lose brilliantly. It was a noble act to stand up in defiance of the violation of their property rights, I admire the concept, but when your plan is "just go butcher the children" I'm not gonna shed a tear when you get stomped out.

There were many humanitarian crimes committed against Indians though, I'm not denying that.  The problem is that we expect society as a whole, hundreds of years later, to have their rights restricted because of individual crimes they had nothing to do with I didn't scalp any Indians, that I know of, in my life. I've probably never met a true 100% Indian, perhaps seen one that was toured around like an exotic animal in school at some point...maybe as some diversity fair. I've certainly never personally assaulted one verbally or physically.  Why should I be punished?

How am I being punished? Well, I don't care enough about the NFL to be boo-hooing over the loss of Redskins as a name, but it sickens me to watch idiotic humans with misguided visions tearing down free speech, something I love dearly, all in the name of guilt. If I wanted to live my life based on rules of illogical guilt and self loathing, I would not be writing this blog at the moment, but celebrating the election of my new Pope.  We should feel guilty and bad when we do something wrong. Not when someone else, unrelated in any way to us does wrong to someone else.  We shouldn't like it when someone is mean to someone else.  The problem with the modern world of political correctness, is that we try to scientificate (my word) a process that is 100% subjective. As if certain words, phrases, or actions are inherently evil by their mere existence.  If I say "Man, I cannot wait to see the Redskins game this weekend"  everyone knows I'm talking about football, there's nothing derogatory being said about Indians or anything like that.  Yet this has been deemed "offensive."  I have a wonderful practice anyone reading can do if they are offended by the name "Washington Redskins:"  Don't watch them. Don't buy a ticket. Don't buy a jersey.  You haves to all of those actions.  You do NOT have the right to tell me that I cannot do those things.  If the Redskins commercials were laden with "Come check out the redskins brutally rape and murder the children of the Dallas Cowboys this weekend while trying to avoid the small pox blanket of defense that is the Dallas secondary...." then you might be onto something.  This is a matter of assigning hard value to a word.  There's no such thing.  If there were hard values to a word, you would feel that same shadow of white guilt when Jay-Z busts out "Where my niggers at" as you would when Jethro stumbles into the room and says "Anyone seen them niggers?" The usage of a word, and the intent of the person using the word are what create insult, not the letter combination and phonemes themselves.   Furthermore, there are already harassment laws on the books.  If I'm following around an Indian going "Hey squaw, hey redskin, hey tonto" that's harassment and already banned at the workplace, and society as a whole will treat me like a racist piece of shit for doing so (rightfully so). We don't need to treat words like the Germans treat the holocaust.  Pretending these words never existed is not going to suddenly make some inbred redneck a tolerant and respectful member of society. The only thing changes like this do, as consistently reinforce the concept that we are not all equal human beings, but rather sects meant to be isolated for our differences. Again, the irony of that reality contrasted with the lovey-dovey  bleeding heart crowd is worthy of a mighty head shake.

Let me explain a little bit about how being "offended" works.  A person gets offended when they are weak.  How harsh right? But so true.  Shielding someone artificially from racism, hatred, anger, and other evils of the world by creating a false protective bubble only sets them up for the day they are bombarded by an unforeseen assault that leaves them shattered.  Think of insults like getting a flu shot.  We get a little bit of flu virus so that our body can build up an immune system and be prepared when the real thing comes.  That's how being offended needs to work.  Letting people go through life being vulnerable to suffering at simple words is like not immunizing your baby to chicken pox.   Now if the "I'm offended" crowd had it their way, words like "Redskin" and "nigger" would be banned. There would be some microchip implanted into our body that would shock us every time we considered using it or something of that nature.  If they had their way how much art would be lost? The same people that rally around the art world when Christians get up in arms about elephant-dunged virgin Mary want to rally behind banning words?  Where would the aforementioned Jay-Z be in his career with "Nigga" as a lyrical option?

We should not seek to bury and hide an ugly past by sweeping it under the rug. Much like the child without a chicken pox vaccine, putting it off until later is only going to make it worse.   Instead of hiding the stain, explain how the stain got there and what we can do to avoid another stain in the future.  When a kid goes "Grand-dad, why are they called the Redskins?" It's a great time to explain how people used to label other humans by their skin color and treat them differently based on it, the term now is used in a harmless game and demonstrates how we can turn the ugliest of words and sentiments into nothing more than a logo for a game, played with a ball.

As long as we keep seeking to protect everyone we can label as a minority, we will never rise above petty racism and the true evil behind those words. Being offended is a decision made by a person hearing a word, it is a reaction, not an action.  You cannot ban a reaction that is controlled solely by the person having the reaction.  Maybe in your culture/family saying "Hello" is offensive because it contains the word "Hell."  Should I be punished for saying Hello to you? Should I be forced to change my company's nametags that all say "hello, my name is ____" because you might be offended? Of course not. Because you're too small of a minority, you're a nut.  We only like to reward minorities that are big enough to be a political conquest afterall.

There's no logic in being offended. Your inability to deal with self esteem, ego, and other internal mental conditions is not sufficient cause to remove my right to use any speech I choose to use. So I'll leave with you a much shorter and concise version of my complaint that probably sums it up a lot better than I, take it Stephen:

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Obligatory Gun Post

Conservative Slacker back with another original blog entry, this time with over 30% new material!

Yes, I realize my last entry was mostly filled with copy/paste but it was rather necessary to at least give a basis for my ranting. This time we'll move onto the hot topic of the day since the economy is completely fixed and everyone is back to work again   and dive into the most presser matter for the country: Gun Control!

Ya! Ya! Giddyup! We're wrangling us some of them there wild firearms today!

A few bullet points to knock out before we get started:

1) No, the founding fathers did not write the US Constitution and all of the clauses within it, and in the same breathe never conceive of guns that might be more deadly than firearms.  This isn't the jump from the telegram the internet, firearms improved more dramatically in the 100 years leading up to the revolutionary war than they did in the 100 years after it, so the concept that people like Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson couldn't imagine a world with deadlier firearms is just the height of intellectual fraud.

2) No, the founding fathers did not intend for you to have a personal arsenal able to rival any world military. The 2nd amendment was written so that you could take up arms against enemies both external and internal including your own government.  Now, in a line that may seem to contradict the previous statement, it's one thing for firearms to become faster, more accurate, etc.  I do not imagine the founding fathers considered briefcase nukes capable of leveling cities. So the right to arm yourself to a level to defend against the government has limitations. 

3) With apologies to Alex Jones, no one in their right mind thinks Joe Citizen should have a nuke.  That is what would be required if we armed ourselves with the equivalent weapons that are available to our government.  The line clearly needs to be drawn somewhere.   It is also completely naive and borderline retarded if you are clinging bitterly to that gun and bible (The PBR is in a koozie on the coffee table) and telling me that you need that AR to defend against you government...that government with trained professional soldiers with remote control drones and cruise missiles are not concerned about Crazy Jeb's Refurbished AK-47 he bought out of the back of Soldier of Fortune magazine. 

4) Can gun control nuts please learn what the hell they are demanding or rallying against before they go spewing talking points? Can you explain the difference between an automatic assault rifle and a semi-automatic hunting rifle? If not, please go back to protesting nukes, or animal furs, or something else with less confusing terms for you, ok? I'm just a little annoyed when I can't even have an argument about gun control because the person doesn't even know what they want banned.

5) Let's say one heartless and oh so uncaring thing about school shootings, especially with the recent elementary school shooting:  If you decide to go make a group of  kids under age 10 your target, it doesn't matter if the only thing you are carrying is a wiffle bat and a fucking iPod, you will take out as many as you want. It doesn't matter if it's an automatic, a semi-automatic, or a pop-cap gun...they have zero defense. They are babies and little children, and if you are fucked up in the head enough to go after them, no law in the land is going to stop it. The sick irony is that the EXACT day Newton happened, across the globe a man butchered 22 children with a knife in broad daylight and adults had to helplessly swing brooms at the man to "fight him off".  It's almost like God reached down and said "I know those fucktards in the American Left are going to blame guns, so here's a guy with a knife...fucking hell they didn't even notice..."

So what do we do folks? Well first, we at least make some effort to remember why Obama is in office.  He's in office because of how much you hated George Bush. Remember? He lied, people died, etc etc. All on the same page? Good.  Why did we hate George Bush?  Well because he abused the powers of his office and exploited fear over a tragedy to produce war and restrictive unconstitutional laws such as the Patriot know the one Obama continued...ah you know what that's another blog...forget that for now...The point is that the last thing you do after a tragedy is make wide sweeping changes to our freedoms because you are emotional.   

Now we back up and we look as objectively as possible at what happened. What would we do had this man went in with a knife and done the exact same thing (Please don't tell me he couldn't have as explained earlier)?  Any logical conclusion is that the gun was irrelevant. It should be banned no more than the car he drove to the school to commit his crimes.

What can be done to prevent bad people from happening? Well frankly nothing. Without a lobotomy, bad people will always exist because we have free will.  You can ban every item you want in the world, and the bad people will find another way.  The intent to commit the crime is the problem, not the tool utilized. Now, if we put everyone under 24/7 government surveillance and station armed military patrols at every corner in America, we might be able to prevent this type of tragedy, but short of  this 1984 approach (which may be fine by many Statists) children will die, and other disgusting tragedies will occur.