Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Obligatory Gun Post

Conservative Slacker back with another original blog entry, this time with over 30% new material!

Yes, I realize my last entry was mostly filled with copy/paste but it was rather necessary to at least give a basis for my ranting. This time we'll move onto the hot topic of the day since the economy is completely fixed and everyone is back to work again   and dive into the most presser matter for the country: Gun Control!

Ya! Ya! Giddyup! We're wrangling us some of them there wild firearms today!

A few bullet points to knock out before we get started:

1) No, the founding fathers did not write the US Constitution and all of the clauses within it, and in the same breathe never conceive of guns that might be more deadly than firearms.  This isn't the jump from the telegram the internet, firearms improved more dramatically in the 100 years leading up to the revolutionary war than they did in the 100 years after it, so the concept that people like Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson couldn't imagine a world with deadlier firearms is just the height of intellectual fraud.

2) No, the founding fathers did not intend for you to have a personal arsenal able to rival any world military. The 2nd amendment was written so that you could take up arms against enemies both external and internal including your own government.  Now, in a line that may seem to contradict the previous statement, it's one thing for firearms to become faster, more accurate, etc.  I do not imagine the founding fathers considered briefcase nukes capable of leveling cities. So the right to arm yourself to a level to defend against the government has limitations. 

3) With apologies to Alex Jones, no one in their right mind thinks Joe Citizen should have a nuke.  That is what would be required if we armed ourselves with the equivalent weapons that are available to our government.  The line clearly needs to be drawn somewhere.   It is also completely naive and borderline retarded if you are clinging bitterly to that gun and bible (The PBR is in a koozie on the coffee table) and telling me that you need that AR to defend against you government...that government with trained professional soldiers with remote control drones and cruise missiles are not concerned about Crazy Jeb's Refurbished AK-47 he bought out of the back of Soldier of Fortune magazine. 

4) Can gun control nuts please learn what the hell they are demanding or rallying against before they go spewing talking points? Can you explain the difference between an automatic assault rifle and a semi-automatic hunting rifle? If not, please go back to protesting nukes, or animal furs, or something else with less confusing terms for you, ok? I'm just a little annoyed when I can't even have an argument about gun control because the person doesn't even know what they want banned.

5) Let's say one heartless and oh so uncaring thing about school shootings, especially with the recent elementary school shooting:  If you decide to go make a group of  kids under age 10 your target, it doesn't matter if the only thing you are carrying is a wiffle bat and a fucking iPod, you will take out as many as you want. It doesn't matter if it's an automatic, a semi-automatic, or a pop-cap gun...they have zero defense. They are babies and little children, and if you are fucked up in the head enough to go after them, no law in the land is going to stop it. The sick irony is that the EXACT day Newton happened, across the globe a man butchered 22 children with a knife in broad daylight and adults had to helplessly swing brooms at the man to "fight him off".  It's almost like God reached down and said "I know those fucktards in the American Left are going to blame guns, so here's a guy with a knife...fucking hell they didn't even notice..."

So what do we do folks? Well first, we at least make some effort to remember why Obama is in office.  He's in office because of how much you hated George Bush. Remember? He lied, people died, etc etc. All on the same page? Good.  Why did we hate George Bush?  Well because he abused the powers of his office and exploited fear over a tragedy to produce war and restrictive unconstitutional laws such as the Patriot Act....remember...you know the one Obama continued...ah you know what that's another blog...forget that for now...The point is that the last thing you do after a tragedy is make wide sweeping changes to our freedoms because you are emotional.   

Now we back up and we look as objectively as possible at what happened. What would we do had this man went in with a knife and done the exact same thing (Please don't tell me he couldn't have as explained earlier)?  Any logical conclusion is that the gun was irrelevant. It should be banned no more than the car he drove to the school to commit his crimes.

What can be done to prevent bad people from happening? Well frankly nothing. Without a lobotomy, bad people will always exist because we have free will.  You can ban every item you want in the world, and the bad people will find another way.  The intent to commit the crime is the problem, not the tool utilized. Now, if we put everyone under 24/7 government surveillance and station armed military patrols at every corner in America, we might be able to prevent this type of tragedy, but short of  this 1984 approach (which may be fine by many Statists) children will die, and other disgusting tragedies will occur.

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