Monday, November 14, 2011

If you're young and not liberal....

Heartless would hardly be the worst thing I've ever been called. Hell, I've been too old for my age since I was rolling my eyes at Captain Planet for telling me how evil businessmen are.  Obviously Hoggish Greedly knows the only way to profitable corporate growth is to melt down rare rain forest trees using baby dodo birds as kindling.  It's basically econ 101.

Oh I wish that were true though (That as a youth I rolled my eyes at such things, not the whole burning of baby dodos part, the quarterly projections are still out on that one).  I gladly ate my spoon-fed environmentalism like a good boy. Why yes, all business people do want to destroy the environment and kill Native-Americans and poison rivers, it was painfully clear...they even had hideous ugly faces...God if only you would grant ME one of those super powered rings I would gladly fly through Goldman-Sachs offices torching receptionists, sales reps, CEOs and any other mindless cog in the evil machine known as big business.

I want you to think back to your favorite movies as a child.  Be honest with yourself and think about how many had a plot with this formula:

"Big evil company/business(man) seeks to destroy natural park or beauty, evict poor/elderly folks, or animal Golconda."

I can teach you how to shake hands, but only if you teach me how everything about my
way of life is evil and raping the earth, agreed?

Every kids movie we were plopped down to watch reminded us constantly that humans (especially career-minded folks) are evil. They ravage wildlife reserves, they close schools and replace them with mini malls. So why does this all matter?

Often it is the left-minded individual that tells us how the religious right are only that way because they were indoctrinated as a child. They were told from the time they were young and impressionable that God is the answer to everything, they ignore all logic and reason simply to pay homage to the fantastical stories of The Great Flood, Genesis, etc.   I can definitely appreciate that line of thinking, afterall...The Power is Yours.

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